Accueil UNamur > Nouvelles > Towards remote teaching modalities until the end of the second term

Towards remote teaching modalities until the end of the second term

Following the meeting with the Minister Glatigny on 23 March, the rectors of the French-speaking universities unanimously agreed that universities carry on with remote teaching modalities until the end of the second term.

As far as the organization of exams is concerned, no decision has yet been taken but all the universities aim at closing the second term, examinations comprised, without significantly derogating to the initial calendar.

From the analyzed records, which compile all the measures and problems met since remote teaching was implemented, it appears that the study programmes are followed, in a modified way but delivering, for the great majority, the expected education units (UE).  There are a few exceptions and they will be managed case-by-case.

Hoping the situation will be restored by the end of the 2nd term evaluation period, the UNamur must, since it has from the beginning of this crisis, anticipate an alternative scenario in case the exams cannot be organized in normal conditions. The deans and directors of departments have been asked to coordinate with the pedagogical teams to go forward, with the support of the ADEN, in elaborating remote solutions.

This work is prospective: we hope we can organize traditional examinations.  It means that the making of exam schedules must go on and that schedules must be communicated to students as usual.  The students will be advised that changes could happen given the Covid-19 crisis context.  The students would be informed of any changes without delay.

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