Accueil UNamur > Agenda > Testing for digital arts : An explorative case study on TouchDesigner

Testing for digital arts : An explorative case study on TouchDesigner

Défense de mémoire de David Tang

Catégorie : mémoire
Date : 24/01/2025 16:00 - 24/01/2025 17:30
Lieu : Salle Académique
Orateur(s) : David Tang
Organisateur(s) : Isabelle Daelman

As creative coding in interactive art becomes increasingly popular in the digital art world, the need to test work to ensure that it matches the artist’s expectations is essential. The problem is that the programs supporting these works can behave unexpectedly or cause problems. Some studies have shown that is possible to test these projects manually, but the use of automated tests has been little studied. The research aims to explain to what extent it is possible to implement automated tests for functional and performance testing in interactive installation projects using hybrid development tools. To answer this question, we performed a case study on the "Wall of fame" project in TouchDesigner. Observations on automated test experiments and an interview were made. The results of the observations showed that it was possible to carry out functional and performance tests with limitations on the reliability of the data. Difficulties were identified : TouchDesigner dependencies, operator limitations, user interface interactions, lack of native test environments, performance test limitations and maintenance difficulties. Solutions have also been found to resolve these issues.

Keywords : Digital art testing, Creative coding, Functional testing , Performance testing, Touchdesigner

Contact : Isabelle Daelman -
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